

This is a reminder that, in the absolute sense, all results of work belong to the Supreme.

While software and intellectual property (IP) require a formal license to define authorship, responsibilities, or distribution limitations, these are temporary material designations. The origin of all ideas and the ultimate destination of all results transcend our ownership. The most meaningful action is to dedicate these results to the Supreme. This process of Karma-Yoga, is known since ancient times and is described in BG 3.9 and BG 12.10.

“Work done as a sacrifice for the Supreme must be performed; otherwise, work binds one to the material world.”

This license does not override or alter the terms specified by the material-level license (e.g., MIT, ISC, BSD, SIL, etc). But it introduces a guiding principle: good intention for the general public and avoid solely commercial, isolated or self-serving motives.